my wife my harbor
for there where syrian television cannot be picked up
even if
the hostel master told me “over there, sir”
and there is nothing that I can find over there
and certainly not the proper tv set where one can pick the syrians
that are the only ones
I was told yesterday
that would carry the soccer match I would gladly see today...
there then I’ve been sent
on my own as if on a crazy goose chase...
and over there is all crowded up already
and even if from a door a bold strong man
appeared and he must have heard me
because he asked me in catalan
if I were a catalonian
where I answered beaming in the affirmative
upon which the herculean man acknowledged the answer with a nod
“me too” he said
not dourly just matter-of-factly
and left me with my right foot in the air
for I was taking a step toward him
but he’d already gone inside closing the door...
and then shrugging I went down the corridor some more
and must have found the other “there” there
where I must have been supposed to be
but always so crowded the nook
and the room I thought was mostly meant
already with two guys cramming it somehow
in such a tiny room with such a big mess of thrown things about
with each of the two not too fine smelling guys flopped
on two narrow hammocks hung in the middle of the tiny hole of a room
one hammock over the other
and no room for anything else
certainly not for another bloody pilgrim
and no bathrooms anywhere that I could see
and me already with the ominous stirrings on my lower bowels
and their minuscule television set set not on the syrian channel and my match
but set on mute on some silly varieties shenanigans
and me saying to the one guy that looks my way
the other probably too pissed with booze or hashish
“listen, sorry, but I was told by the steward that this is my room
and listen, tell me, do you get the syrian television channel on your tv set?”
so the fellow who could listen jumped over the slop
a slob over the slop
and came my way
pushed me a little so he could go through the door-gap that had no door
and went directly to the kitchen with me following him...
communal, crowded, and with nothing edible about
the kitchen was a bigger mess yet and the guy got hold of the steward
and asked him “was it true were I assigned to their tiny nothing of a room
already so crammed?”
the steward saw me as directed by the slovenly guy’s gesture
and told me forthwith “sir, I told you your room was this one”
showing me a not too clean corner bench over there on a corner
of the kitchen itself
no privacy, no curtains, no bedding, no nothing on it beside filth...
so the slob went back proudly to his shitty room
glad maybe that my “room” was much shittier than his
and the busy steward had disappeared meanwhile
and I was left standing there in the kitchen
the stewing kitchen
with children and women semi-naked all and doing
their necessities, culinary and otherwise
inside stinking cooking utensils...
I threaded back my way to where my wife had her room assigned
I knocked softly on the shiny mahogany-colored door
I pushed in
she was in the dark
the curtains pulled over the window
she was on the bed inside the sheets having a nap
her bed was quite capacious and the bedding quite well suited
and I saw immediately that she had in a corner of the neat room
a quite proper tv set now off
she was smiling beautifully at me
I said “honey, can I use your toilet? they have put in a corner
of the kitchen with nothing about but noise
and lots and lots of people cooking and shitting in the same pans
one almost would say indistinctly...”
her smile a little bit wider now she said “be my guest
and after you are done come and crawl here inside besides me
there’s space enough
and you’ll be warm and cozy
and maybe you’ll even be able to pick up your match in the syrian channel
if you don’t put the voice on
and you don’t get too crazy celebrating the goals of the catalonians...”
my beautiful beautiful beautiful wife
always the one also with the best room of all!
38. bloodied pilgrim
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down the hatch:
scarce data - obscure clandestine elusive illusory shade of a guy

man alive, Indeed!

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